Biokinesiology is a non-invasive holistic health treatment.
About biokinesiology
Kinesiology is the scientific study of human body movement.
It uses muscle testing to assess the health of the body by:
removing toxins
replacing any nutrients that the body needs
repairing the microbiome and returning the body to homeostasis or balance
Biokinesiology is a non-invasive holistic health treatment.
Muscle testing
Biokinesiology uses muscle testing and focuses on the biochemical pathways in the body to detect imbalances that may be causing a health issue.
During a muscle test, gentle pressure is applied to a muscle or group of muscles. The muscle is assessed, based on its ability to resist this force. A weakness can be an area where the body needs cleansing, strengthening, or repair. This investigates the root cause of the issue and identifies any chemical sensitivities or toxic overload.
Treatment plan
I then identify the best treatments and put a treatment plan in place.
Biokinesiology is suitable for all ages - from babies to people in their 80s.